Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is literally true, as the thankless say, that they have nothing to be thankful for. He who sits by the fire, thankless for the fire, is just as if he had no fire. Nothing is possessed save in appreciation, of which thankfulness is the indispensable ingredient. But a thankful heart hath a continual feast. -W.J. Cameron

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Life is more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party. -Jimmy Buffett

Friday, December 17, 2010


If we would only give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days. -Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Heroes know that things must happen when it is time for them to happen. A quest may not simply be abandoned; unicorns may go unrescued for a long time, but not forever; a happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story. -Peter S. Beagle

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


There is something wrong in a government where they who do the most have the least. There is something wrong when honesty wears a rag, and rascality a robe; when the loving, the tender, eat a crust, while the famous sit at banquets. -Robert G. Ingersoll

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010


The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life, or say and do things that make people think. -William O. Douglas

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010


One of the commonest mistakes and one of the costliest is thinking that success is due to some genius, some magic - something or other which we do not possess. Success is generally due to holding on, and failure to letting go. You decide to learn a language, study music, take a course of reading, train yourself physically. Will it be success or failure? It depends upon how much pluck and perseverance that word "decide" contains. The decision that nothing can overrule, the grip that nothing can detach will bring success. Remember the Chinese proverb, "With time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes satin." -Maltbie Davenport Babcock

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul. -Thomas Merton

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Do not stand on a high pedestal, take five cents in your hand and say, "Here, my poor man," but be grateful that the poor man is there, so by making a gift to him you are able to help yourself. It is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect. -Swami Vivekananda

Monday, December 6, 2010


We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another--until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices. -Richard M. Nixon

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out good, I am satisfied. -Alfred Nobel

Monday, October 4, 2010


A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking. -Jerry Seinfeld

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. -Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Gold in its native state is but dull, unornamental stuff, and only lowborn metals excite the admiration of the ignorant with an ostentatious glitter. However, like the rest of the world, I still go on underrating men of gold and glorifying men of mica. -Mark Twain

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It has always seemed strange to me that in our endless discussions about education so little stress is laid on the pleasure of becoming an educated person, the enormous interest it adds to life. To be able to be caught up into the world of thought -- that is to be educated. -Edith Hamilton

Monday, August 30, 2010


The uncreative mind can spot the wrong answer, but it takes a creative mind to spot the wrong question. -Anthony Jay

Friday, August 27, 2010


Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right or better. -John Updike

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A leader without a sense of humor is apt to be like the grass mower at the cemetery--he has lots of people under him, but nobody is paying him any attention. -Bob Ross


Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem. -Henry Kissinger

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to answer all the questions. -William Allin

Monday, June 28, 2010


And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. -Sylvia Plath

Friday, June 25, 2010


The greatest personalities that ever existed have been those who united human beings and put them on the road toward cooperation and effectiveness and peace. Those whom the world has held highest have helped to unite and not sever interconnectedness. They have not been the destroyers of differences but the harmonizer of differences. -John Lovejoy Elliott

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. -Albert Camus

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010


I sincerely believe that there is a time in life for drifting. There is a time for sitting back and getting in touch with yourself. Some of our most interesting illuminations and ideas will come when we take time to reflect, time to kick back and cruise awhile. -Rudolfo Anaya

Friday, May 21, 2010


It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it. -Arnold Toynbee

Thursday, May 20, 2010


We sometimes speak of winning reputation as though that were the final goal. The truth is contrary to this. Reputation is a reward to be sure, but it is really the beginning, not the end of endeavor. It should not be the signal for a letdown, but rather, a reminder that the standard which won recognition can never again be lowered. From him who gives much, much is forever after expected. -Alvan Macauley

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. -Brendan Gill

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The task of modern education is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. -C.S. Lewis

Friday, May 14, 2010


Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. -Dorothy Sarnoff

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is sure. As stars high above earth, you are above everything distressing. But you must awaken to it. Wake up! -Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Monday, May 10, 2010


At first you will think of practice as a limited part of your life. In time you will realize that everything you do is part of your practice. -Baba Ram Dass

Friday, May 7, 2010


The amount of good we can do with a glad heart and a smile is incalculable, and the good of it goes out to others and stays with us at the same time. -Dixie Carter

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The writer studies literature, not the world. He is careful of what he reads, for that is what he will write. -Annie Dillard

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010


Words, in a world of many wonders, are among the most wonderful adaptations of man. They are a complex music of meaning played upon himself as the orchestra.  He is at once the performer and the instruments. -Isaac Goldberg

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010


It's not enough to question authority. You gotta speak with it, too. -Taylor Mali

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you. -Jim Morrison

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


To put meaning in one's life may end in madness, but life without meaning is the torture of restlessness and vague desire-It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid. -Edgar Lee Masters

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010


Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them. -Dennis Gabor

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there. -Gary Snyder

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them. -Charles Simic

Monday, April 5, 2010


Poetry exists to give the socially awkward a way to finally be applauded by their peers. -Geoff Trenchard

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I culled poetry from odors, sounds, faces, and ordinary events occurring around me. Breezes bulged me as if I were cloth; sounds nicked their marks on my nerves; objects made impressions on my sight as if in clay. There, in the soft language, life centered and ground itself in me and I was flowing with the grain of the universe. Language placed my life experiences in a new context, freeing me for the moment to become with air as air, with clouds as clouds, from which new associations arose to engage me in present life in a more purposeful way. —Jimmy Santiago Baca

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own. -Nikos Kazantzakis

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything. -George Lois

Monday, March 29, 2010


Storying. . . very quickly becomes the means whereby we enter into a shared world, which is continually broadened and enriched by the exchange of stories with others. In this sense, the reality of each one of us inhabits is to a very great extent a distillation of the stories that we have shared. -Gordon Wells

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. -Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Pedantry and mastery are opposite attitudes toward rules. To apply a rule to the letter, rigidly, unquestioningly, in cases where it fits and in cases where it does not fit, is pedantry... To apply a rule with natural ease, with judgment, noticing the cases where it fits, and without ever letting the words of the rule obscure the purpose of the action or the opportunities of the situation, is mastery. -George Pólya

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The man with a toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound. The poverty-stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man. -George Bernard Shaw

Friday, March 12, 2010


The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy... neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. -John W. Gardner

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The best leaders... almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols. -Tom Peters

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. -Viktor E. Frankl

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The story--from Rumplestiltskin to War and Peace--is one of the basic tools invented by the human mind for the purpose of understanding. There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories. -Ursula K. LeGuin

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Things don't fall apart. Things hold. Lines connect in thin ways that last and last and lives become generations made out of pictures and words just kept. -Lucille Clifton

Monday, February 22, 2010


Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. -Barack Obama

Friday, February 19, 2010


Presumption should never make us neglect that which appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties. -Benjamin Banneker

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. -Hank Aaron

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I live a day at a time. Each day I look for a kernel of excitement. In the morning I say: “What is my exciting thing for today?” Then, I do the day. Don't ask me about tomorrow. -Barbara Jordan

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Give your brain as much attention as your hair and you'll be a thousand times better off. -Malcolm X

Monday, February 8, 2010


I've come to appreciate the planet we live on. It's a small ball in a large universe. It's a very fragile ball but also very beautiful. You don't recognize that until you see it from a little farther off. -Guion Bluford

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. -Michael Jordan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color. -Maya Angelou

Friday, January 29, 2010


Art includes everything that stimulates the desire to live; science, everything that sharpens the desire to know. -Remy de Gourmant

Thursday, January 28, 2010


If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. -Barry Lopez

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and receives and thus, like mercy, is twice blessed. -Erastus Wiman

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what's burning inside you. And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke. -Arthur Plotnik